Generic Entrance/Exit Tickets Pt. 2: 12 Days of Techmas, Day 5

12 Days of Techmas, Day 5: Generic Entrance/Exit Tickets Pt. 2

Today's tech treat is a continuation of "12 Days, Day 4." It's more like a tutorial than other days, but it makes those entrance/exit tickets really easy to analyze. 
Tomorrow's "12 Days" tip will be much shorter, I promise!

After your students submitted their Entrance/Exit tickets, you would like to know how well the class did. As an example, let's say students from two different classes submitted exit tickets on two different days.  

A copy of the spreadsheet I'm using for my examples can be found here. If you want to follow along with this tutorial, open the link and then choose "File > Make a copy..."
There is a cool little feature in Google Sheets called the "Filter" tool. You turn it on (or off) by clicking the little funnel-shaped button on the far right.

This changes the top row of your spreadsheet, to give each header (e.g. Name, Today's Date, Class Period, etc.) its own little drop down arrow. Each arrow lets you selectively choose data to show or hide.

For example, suppose I only want to see exit tickets submitted today (12/9/15). I click on the little arrow in the Today's Date header to get a pop up box like so:

The filter will show rows with checkmarked data, and hide those without. According to the picture above, there are only two dates in this example, 1/30/15 and 12/9/15. I unchecked the 11/30/15 one and clicked OK.

Now my spreadsheet shows only today's exit tickets. You can tell that data is hidden because rows 8-10 are missing, and there is a green "funnel" next to Today's Date, indicating that it is being filtered.

Not bad. But I can continue to add more filters that work together. For example, now I also want only Period A from that date, so I'll click the arrow next to Class Period and turn off anything that's not A.

​Sweet. Now I'm only showing 12/9/2015 Period A results, which in my case was only three students (must have been a field trip day). Obviously a quick scan shows me at a glance how well the students did.

If I wanted or needed to know exactly how many got, say, Question 1 correct, I could manually count them, or make an additional filter to show only the right answers (or only the wrong answers).

​In this picture you see that #1 has the green funnel turned on, so it is being filtered. In this case, I checkmarked "Washington" and made sure wrong answers were uncheckmarked (spell-check tells me this is not a real word). Since only two students are left, only two students answered "Washington."

[Fine print: filters always work together. If, as a next step in my example, I wanted to see how many students got Question #2 correct, I need to remove the filter on Question #1 (by making all possible answers "checked" in the Question #1 filter). Otherwise, consider the logic: if I filter both Question #1 and #2 for correct answers simultaneously, it will hide students who got either #1 or #2 wrong.]

Filters are nice because they only hide data, not delete it. To undo all of my filters, I simply click that funnel button in the top right to turn filtering off, and all of the data re-appears, and I can start filtering for another class or date.

Remember, this is a "set it and forget it" Exit/Entrance Ticket. I don't have to worry about clearing out old rows, or keeping different files for different classes, or giving the kids a new link every day, or any other "daily maintenance" kind of stuff to bog down my prep period. Set it up on the first day, and you are ready to go, no muss, no fuss!​


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